Show me the data (and the process)!

When it comes to teamwork, no team can succeed without the same goal. That much is pretty obvious.

What isn’t always obvious, though, is what that goal is—especially when it comes to the written word.

I’ve been obsessed with processes, procedures, and data since before I can remember. I am what happens when two scientists have a baby. But when I fell in love with the written word and began honing my craft, I quickly saw how poorly groups of writers operated together and with other creatives.

So I started working. Below are a few examples of how I templated and mapped copy processes for Tellwell Story Co. + Studio. I’ve not only identified and streamlined our processes via templates, I’ve also better identified and set goals for writers to meet and for other creatives to see.

This work may seem dry at first glance, but I can speak from experience that it creates a system wherein a team can not just function, but excel.


Misc. Design and Visuals